Scheduled dates
'The Being Human Library' will be popping up in the Gather Space for a series of drop-in activities during the Being Human festival.
There is lots to come and see and do, including sensory-deprived and sensory-enhanced reading, have-a-go flash fiction, book tasting (literally!), book-themed improv performances, and a tag-team readathon.
Actors will also be “bookable” for in-character conversation. Haven’t you ever wanted to speak with famous citizens from Dundee’s past – or even from its future? Well now is your chance!
You can also take part in the collective effort to build 'The Wall of Personal Breakthroughs', celebrating the teeny tiny things we have all achieved or learned during the pandemic.
Aimed at different audiences, ranging from schoolchildren to senior citizens, the activities will encourage everyone to engage in creative activities of all kinds. A chalkboard will be outside the library with a schedule of what is happening on the day. These activities are drop-in and booking is not required. However, advanced bookings from primary or secondary schools and community groups are encouraged — for this please contact