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Scheduled dates

, 10:00:00 - 13:30:00 Add to calendar
, 10:00:00 - 13:30:00 Add to calendar

Please note: these events are now fully booked.

Join us for a unique walking tour mapping an errant path through Leeds, reframing the city’s Black history, literature and culture through the figure of the flâneur – a 19th-century stroller and observer of city life – in addition to contemporary practices of psychogeography.

We will remap the cityscape, making visible a network of unnoticed landmarks which record the presence of the Black diaspora in Leeds, past and present. This engaging and interactive tour includes oral history and performance, alongside live poetry readings which draw attention to the rhythms and flow of the metropolis. Together, we will discover how community and solidarity are central to understanding our rich history of migration and multiculturalism.

This is a gentle walk lasting approximately 2 hours, including regular breaks and followed by refreshments at Project House Leeds. Dress warmly, with comfortable footwear. The walk will begin at Civic Hall (front steps), Calverley St, Leeds.

Suitable for all ages - children must be accompanied by adults.