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Scheduled dates

, 10:00:00 - 16:00:00 Add to calendar

The John Rylands Research Institute and Library and NHS Voices of COVID-19 have teamed up to welcome people of all ages to explore oral histories – and create their own! Discover personal stories about the National Health Service over the last seven decades through the Voices of Our Archive pop-up exhibition and the short film A Moment in Time. Guided by a curator, you’ll see objects from the Rylands’ Manchester Medical Collection and learn about current humanities research at The University of Manchester. 

Alongside the drop-in events, attendees can book a place on the 'Making History Together: Oral History Workshop' to learn about and create your own family oral histories. If tickets are sold out for the workshop, there will still be lots of exciting activities to get involved with throughout the day, including 'Collections Encounter' and NHS Voices of COVID-19 A Moment in Time film screening.

Launched in 2017, ‘NHS at 70’ captures the personal reflections and memories of NHS staff, patients, charities, and the public who experienced Covid-19. Supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and National Heritage Lottery Fund, 2000 oral testimonies have been collected so far. These voices form a unique archive that has informed policy and practice and can influence social change.