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Taking place at the heart of Manchester’s book loving community, this event will be an evening in conversation with Andrew Doig, Professor in Biochemistry, and Archaeologist Dr Melanie Giles. Bringing together humanities, sciences and museum collections, the event will explore mortality and breakthroughs in understanding death, from prehistory to the 21st Century. A pop-up exhibition from the Museum of Medicine and Health helps reveal public health histories from Manchester's industrial past and the impact on the lives of the people who lived and died here.
In their publications This Mortal Coil: A History of Death and Grave Goods: Objects and Death in Later Prehistoric Britain, Professor Doig and Dr Giles explore breakthroughs in the application of statistics to the history of pandemics and experiences in death. Chaired by Professor Carsten Timmermann, Head of the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, the event includes a question and answer session.