Scheduled dates
Whose lives do we remember as ‘great’ and why? Are heroes celebrated for their creativity, empathy, or reasoning? How are people commemorated, and who gets left out? In an 1881 article for children, Annie Besant encouraged readers to ‘judge for yourself’ who deserves the label ‘hero’, empowering the next generation of freethinkers to make their own judgements about who to admire. Today, discussions about legacy and commemoration are more important than ever.
Come along to continue the conversation and join two experts in the history of humanism and freethought – Clare Stainthorp (Queen Mary University of London) and Madeleine Goodall (Humanists UK) – for discussion and hands-on activities at this family-friendly event where we will think together about notions of the ‘great and good’, inspired by the history of Conway Hall. You will learn about some historical freethinkers, get creative to envision a ‘real hero’ of your own to take home, and hopefully be inspired to ‘think for yourself, act for everyone’.