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Scheduled dates

, 10:00:00 - 11:00:00 Add to calendar

At this school event, we will share the unique story of Lothian Birth Cohorts, one of the longest studies of human cognition in the world and an ongoing study into cognitive and brain ageing at the University of Edinburgh.

The Lothian Birth Cohorts tell a story of thousands of 11-year-old children who took a special test of thinking skills in 1932 and 1947. The tests were forgotten for many decades until the 1990s when a team of psychologists decided to track these ‘children’ down to discover what happens to our mind and brain as we grow older.

Students will discover insights into what happens to our thinking skills and brain as we advance through life. They can try on Augmented Reality glasses to see the transformation of the brain shaped by health conditions and lifestyle choices, and will be invited to discuss their views on the role of music, board games, diet and exercise for a healthy mind and brain!

Please note this is a closed event taking place at an Edinburgh secondary school.

Image: Jess Shurte Photography