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Scheduled dates

, 10:00:00 - 16:30:00 Add to calendar

Have you ever wanted to be part of your own Vogue-inspired fashion shoot? Do you combine fashion and style influences from your past and present? Are your clothing choices inspired by different cultures and the hybrid cultures of London’s street style? If so, then the wonderfully talented and award-winning German artist and photographer Catrine Val would like to arrange a photoshoot with you!

Fascinated by London’s diversity and by the remarkable style solutions with which Londoners greet their daily lives, Catrine is coming to different locations across Queen Mary University of London to conduct photoshoots with an array of QMUL’s international students and (East) London residents who will be invited to ‘come as you are and become who you want to be’. Catrine’s work in colour photography is a vehicle for discussions around intercultural relations, migration, and the peripatetic nature of ‘home’. ‘Mobile Home’ is curated by Visiting Research Fellow Jana Riedel and PhD Candidate Matthew Shaul, QMUL.

Photo sessions will be done on a drop-in basis. If you need to arrange a specific time, please contact the organisers. Participants must be over the age of 16 (model release forms must be signed).

On 18 November, Catrine will be sharing some of her work, experiences and stories she's collected during these photoshoots at an in-conversation event taking place at the Bloc Cinema, Arts One Building (17:00-19:00). Find out more here.