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, 17:00:00 - 19:00:00 Add to calendar

Fascinated by London’s diversity and by the remarkable style solutions with which Londoners greet their daily lives, the wonderfully talented and award-winning German artist and photographer Catrine Val has been taking photos of an array of QMUL’s international students and other (East) London residents during the Being Human Festival 2023.

For this event -- part screening / slide show, part in-conversation event -- Catrine will talk about the experiences and stories she collected during three photoshoots across Queen Mary University of London’s campuses. Catrine will show a ‘first edit’ from her fashion shoots and will discuss how she works with her subjects to create unique and highly empathetic photographic portraits. The conversation more generally will extend to intercultural relations, migration, the peripatetic nature of ‘home’ and fine art photography as a strategy to capture and distil these experiences and the multiple identities they represent. ‘Mobile Home’ is curated by Visiting Research Fellow Jana Riedel and PhD Candidate Matthew Shaul, QMUL.

Find out more about the photoshoots preceding this event.