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Scheduled dates

, 18:30:00 - 21:00:00 Add to calendar

How have pubs changed Sheffield? Over the last three centuries, public houses in all shapes and sizes have influenced how the city has evolved as an industrial and post-industrial urban space. The pub as a place of community, socialising, entertainment, and more helped bring people together and make Sheffield the distinctive beer capital that it is today. With increasing numbers of closures, changing drinking habits, and the rise of ‘craft’ brewing, what lies ahead for these dynamic establishments? 

Join us at the Sheffield Tap for a night of discussion and debate on the history and future of the pub in our iconic city. With a panel of local publicans, alcohol producers, and beer enthusiasts, we’ll be sharing and gathering stories of landmark pubs, and exploring the future of pubs. You’ll also be invited to share your own experiences and memories of pubs and boozers in Sheffield and contribute to an ongoing project on the history of alcohol.

This event is part of a series run by University of Sheffield.

Image credit: James Brown