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Scheduled dates

, 17:00:00 - 18:00:00 Add to calendar

This online discussion explores how women’s histories are often forgotten, overlooked or actively suppressed. It will bring together historians, lawyers and literature experts to explore questions around who gets remembered, and what traces women have left behind. It will look at how you can start to uncover women’s lives from a variety of unusual sources, such as novels, photographs, digital archives, legal judgments, storytelling and oral history, activist practices and many more. Who will you rediscover?

'Rediscovering Feminist Histories' will feature Lois Burke (Edinburgh Napier University), Joan Haran (Cardiff University), Melissa Highton (The University of Edinburgh), and Chloë Kennedy (The University of Edinburgh).

Following the discussion, an optional Wikimedia editathon will run on Friday 26 November from 13:00 to 17:00 on Zoom, allowing attendees to learn more about addressing gaps in the record. You can get training in Wikipedia editing, meet other editors and learn how to create an entry for your very own favourite woman from history. Find out more here.