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Scheduled dates

, 19:30:00 - 21:00:00 Add to calendar
, 13:30:00 - 15:00:00 Add to calendar
, 16:30:00 - 18:00:00 Add to calendar

Join playwright Rhianna Ilube and feminist researchers Zaina Mahmoud and Meera Somji as they present 'The Surrogacy Act', a work-in-progress digital game exploring the legal and ethical dilemmas of surrogacy.

What are the experiences of surrogates and intended parents in the UK? In California? In India? How are their choices shaped by different legal systems? What makes surrogacy different from other forms of 'work'? During this event, you’ll have the opportunity to ‘playtest’ the solo online activity, and learn more about the research and interviews that underpins it.

No prior knowledge about surrogacy or gameplay is necessary - only a curiosity to play and willingness to share some feedback at the end! This event is generously supported by an Enhanced Research Award, provided by the Wellcome Centre for Culture and Environments of Health, University of Exeter.