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Scheduled dates

, 10:30:00 - 12:00:00 Add to calendar

Please note: this event is now fully booked.

Embark on this walking tour of Hadrian’s Wall in Newcastle, 1900 years after construction began. Beginning and ending at St James’ Church, Benwell, this 90 minute guided circular walk will reveal the hidden heritage of the West End of Newcastle, where a Roman fort and associated civilian settlement formed part of the frontier of the Roman Empire for 300 years from the second century AD.

Along the way you will discover the remains of a temple dedicated to the Geordie god, Antenociticus, who was worshipped by the Romans. You will also see the remains of the Vallum crossing – the entrance to the civilian settlement that crossed a great ditch – which is now tucked away among modern housing. If you are curious about Newcastle’s hidden heritage, join us and explore Roman Benwell.

This event is part of Northumbria University's Festival Hub.