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, 18:30:00 - 20:30:00 Add to calendar

The recent ruling in the US overturning Roe v. Wade sent shockwaves around the globe. Stripping women, as well as trans and non-binary people, of their rights to privacy and bodily and reproductive autonomy, has devastating implications. Taking this as a starting point, a group of esteemed panellists will offer a thought-provoking and wide-ranging discussion around the past, present and future of women’s reproductive health, exploring the giant leaps forward – but also the massive steps back – in this incredibly important issue.

The panel will be made up of Palgrave Macmillan authors giving a distinctly humanities perspective on this issue. The event will be chaired by Professor Emma Rees (University of Chester), and speakers will include Professor Violetta Hionidou (Newcastle University), Dr Lindsay Balfour (Coventry University) and Professor Thomas Leitch (University of Delaware).