Scheduled dates
Please note: unfortunately this event has been cancelled.
'Writing for the Earth' will facilitate a short discussion on how we stay human through poetry.
Joy Harjo considers “Poetry [as] a refuge from the instability and barrage of human disappointment.” Poetry and nature are equally viewed as a human refuge, and through one we can ensure the other endures. Wordsworth writes that “the Poet considers man and nature as essentially adapted to each other.”
This talk challenges the role of eco-poetics in confronting environmental degradation with the goal of respectful cohabitation through short original poetic readings from Keilan Colville, Seanín Hughes, Niamh McNally, Kathleen McCracken and Amanda Mironova-Strong and a series of ten-minute talks. The session will end with music from Grainne Eve.
This is part of a series of talks 'Apocalypse Now, Then, Soon', focussing on apocalyptic scenarios in a range of media, from realist and dystopian fiction and comics to horror films as grim warnings of the future to come if humanity doesn't start addressing the horrors of climate breakdown. How can we achieve the breakthroughs needed to stem off this crisis? The events will also explore how eco-poetry and eco-criticism can help us establish a proper relationship with the Earth we live in and depend on for the future of Being Human.