Marketing and Promotion

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What are the most effective ways you can market and promote your public engagement activity? This training session will explore what marketing and promotion is, goals and objectives for your marketing activity, how to choose channels and platforms, inclusive and accessible marketing and how to reach target audiences. The training will offer practical tips and inspiration through a range of examples from Being Human Festival and beyond.

Following a short presentation from the Festival team, marketing and audience development consultant, Christina Lister will deliver this session. Christina will cover:

  • What is marketing and promotion?
  • A simple marketing plan
  • Identifying, reaching and appealing to target audiences
  • Audience segmentation
  • Choosing channels and platforms
  • Low/no budget marketing
  • Inclusive and accessible marketing
  • Practical, achievable and scalable tips, examples and inspiration.

This free online session is the second in our newly redeveloped training programme. This session is aimed primarily at this year’s Being Human Festival organisers (and those still thinking of getting involved), as well as those interested in public engagement in the humanities. There will be opportunities throughout to discuss best practice in public engagement with research and how to create events and activities that will appeal to your intended audiences. 


Christina Lister is a marketing and audience development consultant working with heritage and cultural organisations. She has 20 years’ experience in agency and in-house positions and as a consultant for organisations including the Science Museum Group, the Museum of London, the Arts Marketing Association, the Association of Independent Museums, Jane Austen’s House, American Library, Norwich Historic Churches Trust, and the University of Bedfordshire. She is a trustee of Kids in Museums and has written Marketing Strategy for Museums, a book to be published by Routledge in December 2023.

Joining the event 

This event is free, but booking is required. It will be held online and joining details will be circulated via email to registered attendees.  

This event is part of a series of Being Human Festival training sessions exploring public engagement with research. Keep an eye on the Being Human website for upcoming sessions taking place later in the year. 

We will be recording this session. If you would like to receive a link to the recording, please sign up for the session to receive the recording link once it is available. 

Accessibility information 

This session will be held on Zoom and closed captioning will be available. Any resources referred to during the session will be circulated afterwards via email. Please make a note of any accessibility requirements in the booking form.